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Data protection

  • Testing Your Firewall

    Testing Your Firewall

    Your firewall is a critical part of network security. It minimizes the ways an outsider can get at your systems and do damage. People can get in only through the "front door," through the website and whatever other services you decide to make public.

    A server's default configuration may open many ports without giving them adequate security. Without a firewall, intruders can access services you didn't even know existed. From there, they can find weaknesses that let them steal data or destroy your files. A firewall protects devices by allowing only specific ports and protocols. It can block known malicious IP addresses or even limit access to authorized ones.

  • Conquering Vulnerability with Cloud Security

    Conquering Vulnerability with Cloud Security

    Information is the product-theft is the concern, and hacking is the preferred method of stealing your files. Hacking is commonly referred to as the most dangerous threat the United States faces when it comes to economic security. Due to the fact that the nature of "the cloud" depends on sharing resources, companies still seek the most effective ways to ensure identity management via authentication, privacy (of which the main concerns are):

    Sharing personal information
    Access to messages, and how to send anonymous messages
    Access control, restricting employee's access to information

  • Be Proactive! Protect Your Data with a Disaster Recovery Plan

    Be Proactive! Protect Your Data with a Disaster Recovery Plan

    Disasters can strike at any time -- from devastating weather-related events such as tornadoes, tsunamis, floods or fires, to power outages,  ransomware, and even sabotage. There is a whole gamut of events that could affect your flow of business. At the same time, there are a number of ways to design a disaster recovery plan that will effectively put you back in business in the timeliest manner.

  • 7 Key Things to Consider About Your Data Backup Practices

    7 Key Things to Consider About Your Data Backup Practices

    Anyone who works with computers has lost an hour or two of their hard work when the computer decides to quit working for a certain period. These experiences with technology can be anything from frustrating to infuriating, depending on what kind of work you were doing and how much work you lost.

  • Cloud Computing: Data Privacy & the Cloud

    Cloud Computing: Data Privacy & the Cloud

    Most laws that have gotten put into place as of today are there to protect the private and personal information of citizens that reside within that country. These laws regulate the ability of companies to "process" the data of individual people and citizens within that country. Many countries are also working together with other countries who share data clouds and other remote ways to store material to protect the information of their citizens that may be controlled by other countries, which means that many of these laws now pertain to two (or many) countrie

  • Understanding Everything About Cloud Hosting Security

    Understanding Everything About Cloud Hosting Security

    Cloud Hosting is just as safe as any other methods of protecting the information in your cloud but has gotten a bad image because of other virtualized technologies in the past. Many businesses today cannot even entertain the idea of parting with their in-house ways of storing their information. However, as you accumulate more and more data, this often becomes a bigger problem as you run out of space to store all the information on physical hard drives.

  • Cyber Threats Shattered with Best 2020 Security Software.

    Cyber Threats Shattered with Best 2020 Security Software.

    We are reviewing the best security software to fight cyber threats in 2019: Cisco, Symantec, Veeam, Awake AttackIQ



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