3 Top Cloud Services for 2020.

top cloud services 2019

As we head into 2020, more companies than ever are offering cloud services to their users. However, as with anything, some cloud experiences are turning out for users better than others. Some also have more affordable pricing than others. Generally, services will range from free (if you need relatively little storage space) up to about $39.99/month for a plan with much more storage space. These prices and costs vary depending on the cloud service you choose and the business features that you want to have included in the cloud.

We have broken down the best and most popular internet cloud servers heading into 2020 so that you can decide as to what cloud service will fit your company's needs the best:


iDrive is a cloud company that was founded in 1995 by Raghu Kulkarni, and they offer backup business solutions to companies who are looking to back up their company's files and information. An iDrive Snapshot is a tool that helps protect against theft and ensure that your information is safe even while it gets stored in their cloud system. It also protects against ransomware and gives a historical view of your data to make point-in-time recoveries of previous information.

You get basic 5-gigabyte storage packages for free, and other packages offer you two terabytes up through 1.25 terabytes (both personal and business plans are available) ranging anywhere from $69.50 to $499.50.

iDrive is simple to use, and it makes using a cloud for your business needs and purposes straightforward and allows you to archive large amounts of data at one time.


Dropbox was founded by Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowski in 2007 and offered popular cloud storage solutions for both customer's personal uses and small businesses. Dropbox allows the sharing of files for easy collaborations of businesses ideas and projects.

Dropbox offers a "Basic" monthly plan for free and then offers Plus subscriptions for $9.99/month and Professional Subscriptions for $19.99/month. You can pay by the user on the Standard plan for $15/month per user and Advanced is $25/month. Finally, there is the Enterprise option, but you have to call for those details and to get a price quote.

pCloud Reviews:

pCloud gets founded by Tunio Zafer and gets founded in 2013. pCloud is an easy-to-use cloud storage service company and allows you to store, sync, and collaborate on files and work with your team to achieve the results of projects that your company needs to complete. All information can get shared confidentially.

Prices are $3.99/month for Premium 500GB plan and the Premium Plus 2TB $7.99/month. If you want a lifetime subscription, you can get the Premium 500GB plan for $480 and the Premium Plus 2TB Lifetime subscription for $980.00.


These are 3 of the top cloud services that small businesses are using today. Cloud services are great for allowing you to store large numbers of business files and information remotely (offsite of your actual workplace) while still ensuring that your information is safe and confidential. Many cloud companies are also offering convenient features in addition to the cloud to make it more user-friendly for you and your company. Many systems even allow you to share with your coworkers when working on larger collaborations or projects that many people need to edit at once.


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