How Should I Protect My Servers?

Protecting your servers from infiltration is one of the most important steps that you can take to keep your company's information and hardware safe and secure. While you will need your technological infrastructure up, you also need to ensure that you are protecting your business's personal information and keeping the information from getting into the wrong hands.

The following are some of the most often-used tools in the industry to help your company protect your servers and ensure that information is not getting in the wrong hands of people who would harm your business:

SSH Keys: 

SSH keys are essentially cryptographic keys that are used to authenticate an SSH server, and they serve as alternatives to password-based logins. SSH Keys generally work well as long as the key is protected well by the owner and the public key will be required to be placed in the public directory. The public key can get used by anyone. SSH key authentication gets configured in a way that will make the client ask the server for access, and the owner will have to demonstrate that they have possession of the private key to allow the client to have access to the server. The client has to get the password from the person who holds the key to the hard drive to access the information that it contains. Once access is granted, and ownership of the private key is proven, the server will allow the users to access without a password. 


A firewall is a piece of either software or hardware that controls what services get exposed to the network. Some of the servers that should not be public will be blocked or have access to them restricted. Some of these servers that should not be public will be either blocked or will have access to them restricted, and on most servers, you will notice that these settings are already set up on default statuses. The internal servers will only be able to be accessed by the people who should be able to see them. Finally, the public servers that can be accessed by anyone on the internet. 

VPNs & Private Networks: 

Private networks and other similar networks are only available to those who are trusted users or servers. Many of these networks will only be available to a certain, isolated communication group within their communities. A virtual network will be required for your computer to have secure network communications with other remote servers. Connections will be available only through the exclusive, private network. 

Private networks are almost always the best choice when compared to public ones. Other measures to secure the connection between networks will also be required to ensure that your network is as safe as possible and that your information gets protected.

SSL/TLS Encryption: 

Public key infrastructure is a system that was made to create, manage, and validate the certifications of those who wish to have access to an encrypted communicator. These SSL/TLS system certifications are intended to help differentiate and authenticate different entities from each other. You will use your identification within your infrastructure to help validate the other members and encrypt their traffic.  SSL/TLS Encryption can help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks where attackers imitate servers in your infrastructure and use it to intercept traffic. 

Perform Service Audits:

So far, the entire discussion that we have had here is how to implement certain security measures to help protect your servers. There is another way you can also help protect your information, and that is through performing service audits. These audits involve analyzing your systems, understanding available attack surfaces, and locking down the components of your system as best you can to help ensure that your company's servers are as safe as possible. 

When you perform service audits, you will find out what different services are running on the servers within your specific infrastructure. Service auditing can also help assist in communication and determining what protocols have gotten accepted. Using this information you can configure the best firewall settings for your specific needs.


Having several layers of security built into your servers can help ensure that your servers are as protected as they can possibly be. These are just a few of the specific enhancements you can make to your server. There are entire lists of different protocols you can put in place and tools that you can use to secure and protect your server and to ensure that only the people who should have access to the information are actually able to get it. The more protected your servers are, the safer your sensitive business information is when it comes to the possibility of information falling into the wrong hands.



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